For the next two weeks I am teaching about Halloween to all my classes. My liaison is afraid that my dressing up is going to scare the students and no decorations on the walls outside the office because she is afraid the inspection team will come and think it is messy. She finally did agree to let me decorate the door to the office because it can be took down quickly. Soooo, I have bought paper and a pumpkin and I am going to decorate the door, carve a jack-o'-lantern, and make me a witches hat and long black hair. I still need to find some extremely cheep candy (I have 960 students) because I am inviting each class to trick-or-treat at my office Monday night, October 31. So I will dress like a witch, light my pumpkin, and hand out candy to all who come and say the right words. I haven't looked forward to Halloween like this in many years.
To finish off the lesson I am teaching on Halloween, I am showing a short clip on how to dance the Monster Mash. Then I show a full length video of the entire song. If there is time left, I restart the short clip and have all the students dance with it! I am not sure which is funnier, this or the answers I get to the question, "If you were dressing up in a costume for Halloween, who/what would you be? Why?" These kids never cease to surprise me. "I would be James Bond." (I am thinking yea, he's cool, lots of toys...) Why, I ask. "Because he has lot's of beautiful girlfriends!" Should have seen that one coming! Or the guy who said, "I wouldn't dress up." Why? "I think I am scary enough already." Hmmm.
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